Category : Gospel , Uncategorized , Words of Wisdom - Biblical Truth
When Jesus died, the veil in the temple was completely torn in two. Some say that this veil was three feet thick! The tearing of this physical veil represents the tearing of the spiritual veil between heaven and earth. Jesus housed the Holy Spirit in His physical body – for all the fullness of the Godhead dwelled bodily in Christ Jesus, and you too have been brought to fullness in Him who is the Head over all power and authority – Colossians 2:9-10. When His body was torn open, it was the tearing of the physical veil to release the Holy Spirit. The water coming from His pierced side reveals this. There is no longer a separation between God and man! Thank you Jesus! Every person can be reconciled to the Father and have a relationship with Him like Jesus did. The joy set before Jesus was realized, and He is receiving payment for the price He paid… a beautiful bride and body to dwell in and represent Him on the earth from that day forward. It is available to all who will take up their cross, die to themselves and follow Jesus – Scripture reveals that this is what believing on the Lord Jesus Christ means. Follow Him where? Into a relationship with Father God through the indwelling of their Spirit in us!
Every covenant is sealed by blood, and God made a new covenant with man by the blood of Jesus Christ. His precious blood was shed on Calvary, and the veil was torn between heaven and earth – the physical realm was now able to break into the spiritual realm. There was also blood shed, a release of water and a veil torn at the birth of Jesus. Mary was a virgin so the physical veil in her body(hymen) hadn’t been broken by a man from the outside. Holy Spirit put the seed of God inside Mary so when Jesus was born, the Spirit of God tore Mary’s veil from the inside and broke into the physical realm through the birth of Jesus. Now for the first time in the history of mankind, a man housed the indwelling Holy Spirit. Of course when John later baptized Jesus, the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus and remained – this was His baptism in the Holy Spirit, which empowered Him to then go about and perform signs, wonders and miracles after defeating Satan’s temptations in the desert. He did all that He did as a man fully dependent upon Holy Spirit, because Philippians 2:6-8 reveals that He willingly laid down His divinity while here on earth.
Notice that God came into the physical realm first and then made it possible for us to go into the spiritual realm. Also note that man plants seeds in many ways, but always from the outside-in… God plants seeds on the inside of us so that they will grow from the inside-out, transforming us into a beautiful, mature tree like Jesus. Metaphorically, I believe Jesus was the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, and when he grew up as a man, the seed of God in Him was growing Him into a beautiful, fully mature fruit-bearing tree that all can eat of and taste and see the goodness of God. When we partake of the fruit of Jesus, seeds of His light and truth are implanted in us to grow and mature into the same kind of tree so that others can taste and see God’s goodness through partaking of the Jesus we have to offer them through our humble, self-sacrificial lives.
Jesus told us to pray to our holy, heavenly Father “Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. He wouldn’t have said this if it wasn’t possible. We simply need to agree with our Father for His revealed will and it will happen. The veil has been torn, and we can now go boldly before the throne of Grace. There is no longer a separation between heaven and earth! Though in earthly bodies, we are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus(Ephesians 2) – we have been given authority over the physical realm through Christ Jesus living in us by His Holy Spirit. Be blessed today, and let’s live in the reality of heaven on earth by our Lord Jesus Christ who tore the veil forever!