Kingdom Realized

The WORD became flesh!

The Word became flesh so that flesh could become the Word!  Jesus is the Word of God because He lived His life completely led by His Father through the Holy Spirit.  He walked perfectly as a man because He only did what His Father led Him to do – He was sustained and compelled by revelation from His Father.  Jesus said that He could only do what He saw His Father doing – John 5:19.

When we take communion, we eat of the body of Christ because His perfect body makes ours holy and whole – it represents our flesh becoming like His.  When Jesus hung on the cross, He was marred beyond recognition, worse than anyone before.  He was unrecognizable as a man because He had taken all the ugliness and false identity off of us and onto Himself – He took the ugliness of all the lies we had believed and exchanged them for His Truth, revealing our true identity as children of God created in His image and likeness.  This is how our flesh becomes the Word… Jesus sent His Spirit to live in those who believe Him and choose to follow His commands.  The Spirit then gives us His grace to empower us to walk in our new identity and be transformed into His image and likeness and become partakers of the divine nature with Christ – 2 Peter 1:4.  So when we drink the wine in communion we are remembering that the blood of Jesus has made us clean and a holy vessel able to house God Himself – we are partaking of the DNA of Jesus because we are now part of the family of God.  When we eat the bread, we are partaking of the Bread of Life and subjecting our flesh to the Word of God living in us by His Spirit.

In Matthew 16, Peter confesses to Jesus that He is the Christ, the Son of the living God.  Jesus then calls Him blessed for getting this revelation from His Father and goes on to say that on this rock He would build His church.  Jesus is obviously the Rock, as He is the Cornerstone of the foundation of the church, but I believe the rock He is referring to here is the rock of revelation from our Father, which is inseparable from Jesus anyway since He is the Word(revelation of God) made flesh.  In Isaiah 55 God said that His Word will not return to Him void.  In other words, when it hits the mark in our surrendered hearts, it becomes a seed that will grow into a tree and bear much fruit.  Therefore, it will not return to God void or empty.

God’s revelation to us has always been the foundation of His church – it was through the prophets and the giving of the law; it was through Jesus, and it is still today through His Spirit leading and guiding us into all truth!